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Best Charcoal BBQ | News | Borobudur Coco
Best Charcoal BBQ

Best Charcoal BBQ

Looks easy, making a charcoal fire for BBQ does the trick. This is so that the coals last longer but do not make the food burn.

Before holding a BBQ party, first prepare the ingredients and all the tools. Not to forget to make a charcoal fire that has a good and durable flame. Here's what you need to do to make a charcoal fire.

There are 3 types of charcoal that are commonly found in the market, namely wood charcoal, shell charcoal, and briquette charcoal. Wood charcoal is mostly sold at relatively cheap prices. For coconut shell charcoal and charcoal briquettes, burning coals is more durable than wood charcoal.

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